With the improvement of the gross national income and more attention to life quality in Taiwan, the government is promoting a green tourism policy that aims to encourage vigorous growth in the leisure and tourism industries. Since the proclamation of the Hot-spring Law on July, 1 2003, the hot-spring industry has become central to the development of the service industry. As a result, the demand for talent with expertise in hot spring resource management, safety management and hot-spring resort management has increased dramatically. To meet this demand, the Hot-spring Industry Institute was established at CNU in 2007, with the approval of the Ministry of Education.
The Hot-spring Industry Institute was set up under the College of Sustainable Environment with the aim of effectively integrating the more than 20 staff and teaching resources from the Department of Recreation and Health Care Management, the Department of Tourism Management, the Department of Occupational Safety, the Department of Environmental Engineering and Science and the Department of Environmental Resources Management. The Hot-spring Industry Institute also cooporates with the Taiwan Hot-spring Research Center, the Leisure Industry Development Center, the Biotech Development Center and the Ecological Technology Research Center, sharing books and reference materials, equipment and human resources.
The educational objective of the Hot-spring Industry Institute is to integrate theory with practice. The important role of the institute is to help the Hot-spring industry to overcome difficulties in the work of development and to promote the industry. We also emphasize the core values of hot-spring technology, hot-spring resource management and exploration technology.
The aspects of teaching and research covered in the Hot-spring Industry Institute include: hot-spring resource exploration and monitoring, modeling for the establishment of safety yields of hot-springs, hot-spring water disinfection and usage, landscape and facility planning for hot-spring areas, sales and marketing of hot-spring products, planning of recreation management for hot-spring areas, and health care with hot-spring applications.
Career Prospects for Graduates
Work for government departments such as the Water Resources Agency, the Tourism Bureau and national or local departments.
Work in hot-spring resorts, hotels, or SPA centers.
Work in hot-spring recreation and tourism management, hot-spring exploration, environment and resource management, hot-spring flow measurement, product development, or health care management.
Work in hot-spring water quality management, or health care guidance.
Work as a designer for hot-spring resorts, hot-spring areas and industry promotion.
Work as a planner for hot-spring recreation and tourism management, hot-spring industry promotion and resource management.
Memoranda of Understanding
Taiwan Hot-Spring Tourism Association,
Guanziling, Toong Mao resorts
Balei Su Luo Po Hot-spring Villa
An Tung Hot-spring Resort
Ching Chuan Hot-spring Resort